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Make Gantt height 100%


I am trying to get the gantt control to display on its height 100%. Tried everything I can think of, no success.

Can you advice?


1 Reply

JD Jayakumar Duraisamy Syncfusion Team April 25, 2017 05:10 PM UTC

Hi Armand, 
Please find the response below. 
Height of the Gantt control will be calculated from the height of its parent element if we are given the height in terms of percentage. Hence, we would like to suggest you that set style of height as 100% to the root parent element of body and set the control css position as absolute. This will be rendering the control in full size screen. 
Please refer following code snippet, 
<style type="text/css"> 
        html, body { 
            height: 100%; 
            padding: 0px; 
            margin: 0px; 
        #GanttContainer { 
            position: absolute; 
We have also prepared a sample for your reference, please find the sample as below, 
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this. 
Jayakumar D 

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