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Stock price cell

I''m looking for a way to implement a cell which would turn red if the value (float) is decreased or green if increased and after some time gradually start to fade out to the original color. So far I figured I have to derive my own cell model/renderer, however I have no clue what to do next. Any help will be much appreciated.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 18, 2004 09:01 PM UTC

Here is one idea that does not require a derived cell. 1) Create a class that holds row, col and fadestate information. fadestate might be a integer from 100 to 0. Think of this as a Fade object. 2) Create an arraylist to hold Fade objects. 3) When a cell needs to fade, create a fade object for this cell and set its fade state to max. 4) As long as the arraylist has objects in it, have a timer firing at some rate. In the tick handler, refresh each cell in the arraylist, and modify its fadestate. When the fadestate is zero, remove teh obect from the array. 5) Then in PrepareViewStyleInfo, check the cell to see if it is in the arraylist, and if so, use the fadestate value to specify the color.

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