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DataSet like Input data


I'm exploring the Syncfusion.PMML library, I found the class "Table" input data only for .csv files; I'd like to know how I can use dataset like input data.

how many records support the input data?
Where can I found more technical documentation about Syncfusion.PMML library

Thank you


1 Reply

RR Ramkumar R Syncfusion Team April 18, 2017 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Cesar, 
Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products. 
Please find our comments from below. 
I found the class "Table" input data only for .csv files; I'd like to know how I can use dataset like input data? 
Syncfusion.PMML library accepts three formats/types of input data and they are, 
  1. Anonymous object
  2. Dictionary object and
  3. ExpandoObject
You can convert your dataset to any above-mentioned types to get the predicted results. To know more about the PMMLEvaluator supported features, please refer to the below link: 
Please find the sample application to get predicted results from the Dataset (data tables) here: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/130026/ze/130026967114846  
How many records support the input data? 
There are no such limitations for the number of records to be passed. This is since, our Syncfusion.PMML library accepts single record object as input and so, by iteration we can pass as many records to get predicted results. 
Where can I found more technical documentation about Syncfusion.PMML library? 
Please find the documentation link from below: 
Please let us know if you have any concerns. 

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