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Combobox and Checkbox Default Edit Keys


Is it possible to change the default keys that activate combobox and checkbox cells?

Instead of pressing F4 to activate a combox cell, I want to use the Enter Key.

Also, instead of pressing the Space bar to change the state of a checkbox cell, I want to use the Enter Key.

I have already changed the Enter key behaviour with:
GridControl1.EnterKeyBehavior = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridDirectionType.None

If the default keys cannot be changed, what is the best way to achieve this?

Kind Regards


3 Replies

AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team April 12, 2017 12:43 PM UTC

Hi Mike, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 

The default keys for the cell renderers cannot be changes via properties. But the default key behavior of F4 and space bar can be restricted by overriding the ProcessCmdKey method. The enter key behavior can be activated for ComboBox’s DropDown and checkBox’s CheckedValue can be using KeyDown event. Please make use of the below customization and sample, 
Code snippet 

Disabling default function of F4 and SpaceBar 

Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As Message, ByVal keyData As Keys) As Boolean 
              If currentCell IsNot Nothing Then 
                             Dim rowIndex As Integer = currentCell.RowIndex 
                             Dim colIndex As Integer = currentCell.ColIndex 
                             Dim info As GridStyleInfo = Me.gridControl1.Model(rowIndex, colIndex) 
                             'Restricting the F4 and SpaceBar function 
                             If (keyData = Keys.Space AndAlso info.CellType Is "CheckBox") OrElse (keyData = Keys.F4 AndAlso info.CellType Is "ComboBox") Then 
                                           Return True 
                             End If 
              End If 
              Return MyBase.ProcessCmdKey(msg, keyData) 
End Function 

Activate Enter key function for CheckBox and ComboBox 

Private currentCell As GridCurrentCell 
'Event Triggering 
AddHandler gridControl1.KeyDown, AddressOf gridControl1_KeyDown 
'Event Customization 
Private Sub gridControl1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) 
    If Me.gridControl1.EnterKeyBehavior = GridDirectionType.None Then 
       currentCell = Me.gridControl1.CurrentCell 
       Dim rowIndex As Integer = currentCell.RowIndex 
        Dim colIndex As Integer = currentCell.ColIndex 
        Dim info As GridStyleInfo = Me.gridControl1.Model(rowIndex, colIndex) 
        'Activate the enter key for checkbox 
       If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter AndAlso info.CellType Is "CheckBox" Then 
           e.Handled = True 
            If info.CellValue.ToString() = "true" Then 
               info.CellValue = "false" 
               info.CellValue = "true" 
           End If 
        End If 
       'Activate the enter key for combobox 
       If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter AndAlso info.CellType Is "ComboBox" Then 
            e.Handled = True 
           If Not currentCell.IsDroppedDown Then 
          End If 
        End If 
   End If 
End Sub 


MN mike newett May 2, 2017 03:05 AM UTC

That worked great thanks.

I've expanded on your example to include the MonthCalendar & Textbox cell types (see end of post).

Whilst my solution works, I'm not sure it's the best way.

To finish editing, I'm calling:


I'm having to call currentCell.CancelEdit() to remove the focus from the current cell.

For example, if the cursor is focused on the top line of a 5 line multi-line textbox when currentCell.EndEdit is called, the user would have to press the down arrow key 5 times before the focus moves to the next cell below. By calling CancelEdit after EndEdit, the user only has to press the down arrow key once to move the focus to the next cell below.  

Is this the correct method, or show I be doing something else?

'Activate the enter key for calendar
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter AndAlso info.CellType Is "MonthCalendar" Then
            e.Handled = True
            If Not currentCell.IsDroppedDown Then
            End If
        End If

        'Activate the enter key for textbox
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter AndAlso info.CellType Is "TextBox" Then
            e.Handled = True
            If Not currentCell.IsEditing Then
                'Move cursor to end of text
                Dim renderer = TryCast(currentCell.Renderer, GridTextBoxCellRenderer)
                renderer.TextBox.SelectionStart = renderer.TextBox.TextLength
            End If
        End If

Kind Regards


AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team May 2, 2017 10:29 AM UTC

Hi Mike, 
Thanks for your update. 
We are glad to hear that the provided solution is resolved your scenario and we have analyzed your scenario for moving the current cell with multi-line textbox.  The way you have tried to achieve the scenario was correct. The EndEdit() method will ends the editing mode and the CancelEdit() method will discards the changes in CurrentCell. Calling the CancelEdit() method after EndEdit() will save the changes and completes the editing mode. So, this will not cause any issues regarding your scenario. 
Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 

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