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how can I open a specific bookmark in the active PDF, is there a way to send a ref to the PDF view control?
there is no example about this in the UWP documentation. 

1 Reply

NK Navaneetha Kannan Sudalai Muthu Syncfusion Team April 12, 2017 12:56 PM UTC

Hi Haitham, 

The bookmarks in a PDF can be obtained from the property PdfLoadedDocument.Bookmarks which is a collection of bookmarks ordered in a hierarchical parent – child tree.  Any of the element of type PdfBookmark present in this collection can be given as an argument to the method SfPdfViewerControl.GoToBookmark(PdfBookmark bookmark). When this method is called with the intended PdfBookmark PdfViewer will navigate to the corresponding destination of the bookmark.  

We have attached a simple sample to demonstrate how to use bookmark navigation with PdfViewer in the link below.  

We will include the example for bookmark navigation once our main release Essential Studio Volume 2 is out, which is expected to be available by the end of April 2017. 

Navaneetha Kannan 

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