Hi Michal,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
Query : Found a bug in DateTime format
We have analyzed your query and we suspect that if you mention the format for date as (dd-MM-yyyy) but it is not displayed as “08-31-2011”.
We have checked in our sample and we are unable to reproduce the issue from our end.
We have prepared a sample and it can be downloadable from the below location.
Note: In addition that you have mentioned format as “{0:MM-dd-yyyy}” but it displays as the format “31-08-2011”. Format starts with month(MM) but it display the date(31).
Please provide the following details for better assistance.
- Share the grid code example.
- Essential studio version.
- Have you mention the date value as string in dataSource?
- If possible share the sample or reproduce the issue in the attached sample.
Thavasianand S.