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Edit TreeViewItem

I'm using TreeViewAdv control and i have collection of  custom class objects binded as items source. Im also using custom item template containing only TextBlock. Is there any easy way to disable edit mode on tree view items?

I've noticed strange behaviour of TreeViewAdv control.
First issue is connected to focus. I've added handler for keyDown event on control and checking for delete key. When key is pressed, i delete selected items. After that control "loses" focus, focus is still on control, but no key press event is passed forward. Same behaviour remains if i click on other control and then back on TreeView. It only starts working again when i click on tree view item.
Second issue is connected to drag and drop. When i move item (from one parent to another), it stays selected but i am unable to move it again. I need to select another item to be able to move first item again. IsSelected property is two way binded to my custom class property.
Third issue is connected with background and foreground color. This is a bit hard to reproduce, but i've manage it by doing "monkey mode" - adding a bunch of items and wildly smashing on mouse button to select and move items. Foreground and background colors sometimes become the same. This occurs on Blend visual style (tried olny blend and default).

A bit off topic if i'm already mentioned blend visual style: You should really cosinder to revisit. Black color on negative values and green for zero value in numeric control is a bit wierd and unreadable. Scroll bar too thin (wasted space around bar). Why rounded buttons (this is just personal opinion)?

A bit more off topic just to not open a new thread: Property grid now always handle mouse wheel events, even if i scroll on top of property names. I had to manually override mouse wheel preview event on property grid and pass it to root (stack panel) to have working scroll bar. Controls are dynamicly added to stack panel.


2 Replies

BO Bojan April 6, 2017 07:56 AM UTC

Found solution for editable tree item
Last time search was not working properly

Other issues still remains


VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team April 12, 2017 04:50 AM UTC

Hi Bojan, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates 
Venkateshwaran V.R.   

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