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Customize GroupingLabels for PivotChart with 2 PivotAxis


I have a PivotChart with 2 bound Axis:

  .PivotAxis.Add(New PivotItem With {.FieldMappingName = "Jaar", .TotalHeader = ""})
  .PivotAxis.Add(New PivotItem With {.FieldMappingName = "Maand", .TotalHeader = ""})

I try to customize the labels with code. With 1 PivotAxis this code works fine (BronMaandLabels is an Array of String):

 With Chart.ChartControl.PrimaryXAxis
                .Title = "Maanden"
                For t = 0 To .GroupingLabels.Count - 1
                    .GroupingLabels(t).Text = BronMaandLabels(CInt(.GroupingLabels(t).Text))
  End With

With 2 Axis I get an error... Is there a way to customize the labels with 2 PivotAxis?



3 Replies

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team April 3, 2017 08:59 AM UTC

Hi Matthijs, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 

We have analyzed your scenario with more than one pivot axis in PivotChart. Unfortunately we could not able to reproduce the issue at our end. Could you please provide the below details, 

·         Provide the errors details which you have faced. 
·         Ensure the reported scenario is reproduced in attached sample. 
·         If possible modify the attached sample with issue reproducible or let us know if we missed anything from your customization in that sample. 

These would be more helpful for us to provide the exact solution at the earliest. 

Sample link: 

MH Matthijs Huisman April 3, 2017 09:12 AM UTC

It is solved! I had a wrong approach towards the labels, but your sample set me on the right track! 

Thanks for your help!



PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team April 4, 2017 05:47 AM UTC

Hi Matthijs, 

Thanks for the update. 

We are glad to hear that the provided sample has resolved your scenario. Please let us know if you have any other queries. 


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