I've created a custom ContentView with a label (for a title), a picker (used as a filter for the ContentView) and an SfChart (based on the filter the series will change). Because I don't know the amount of XyDataSeries this SfChart must have, I have created a BindableProperty that will automatically initialize the Series-property of this SfChart-control.
Now when I use this custom ContentView on a page, everything works fine; by changing the filter (picker) the series will get reïnitialized.
Although a problem occurs as soon as I use more custom ContentViews on one page: only the chart of the lastly added custom ContentView gets updated. Both series have databinding activated to a different property in my ViewModel, but whichever property changes, the result will only be visible in the lastly added ContentView... (if the series of the first custom ContentView changes, the second chart will receive the series, and when the series of the second custom ContentView changes, the second chart will also receive these changed).
How is this possible? Can only 1 chart contain binding to the Series-property, because everything else seems fine ...
Thanks in advance!