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Schedule - export to ICS

I have a SfSchedule control on WPF app.
I'm adding a new appointment and make it recurring (every week, on thursday, no end date).
Next call method Export(filename.ics).

Exported file contains:
BEGIN:VCALENDARPRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 15.0 MIMEDIR//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:Schedule Appointments
SUMMARY:some appointment

So after using method Import(filename.ics) - i have only 3 appointments (but 2 on each day).

Is this normal behaviour of Schedule control?


Darek Piech

Attachment: screen_9e568ae6.zip

3 Replies

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team March 21, 2017 09:00 AM UTC

Hi Dariusz, 
Thank you for interest Syncfusion products. 
We have analyzed the Importing schedule appointments behavior with provided information. As per the implementation of SfSchedule, Schedule AppointmentCollection gets added while importing the saved ics file which is an expected behavior. If your requirement to display the only the imported appointments, you can clear the existing appointments added in schedule before the import the saved .ics file. 
Please refer the below code example for clearing the Appointments, 
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
We have prepared simple sample based on this scenario, please find the below sample. 
Sample link: Recurrence_Sample_WPF 
If the given solution doesn’t meet your requirement, could you please revert to us by modifying the provided sample based on your requirement with the replication procedure to reproduce the issue, it will be helpful for us to check on it and provide you the better solution.  
Subburaj Pandian V.    

DP Dariusz Piech March 21, 2017 11:30 AM UTC

Thanks for your reply. I've tested that sample and it doesn't work as i expect.
This is what i'm doing (there are screens in attachment) 
1. I open application and make new appointment
2. Set recurrence for every Friday, weekly with no end date.
3. Schedule shows new appointment properly.
4. I click export and save ics file.
5. Close app and start it again.
6. Click import and load previously saved ics
7. Schedule shows only 3 appointments (because in ics file is saved as RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=3;BYDAY=FR,)

I need to save appoinments with no end date - could you help me?

Best Regards

Attachment: steps_1a4b3f58.zip

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team March 22, 2017 06:28 AM UTC

Hi Dariusz, 
Thank you for the update. 
We have created a new support incident under your account to track the status of this issue. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 
Please let us know, if you have any query.

Subburaj Pandian V.    

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