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Bind pivot grid in ajax


I need bind a pivot grid after form submit. I do the request with ajax, but I can't bind results in pivot grid.

In load client event, I can do it, but not in submit.

I attach an example


Attachment: PivotGridAjax_ae58ea61.zip

7 Replies

SP Sastha Prathap Selvamoorthy Syncfusion Team March 20, 2017 09:26 AM UTC

Hi Manolo,   
We suspect that the problem raised while providing the json data in the Ajax post method on submitting the form.  You can provide the json data as mentioned in the below sample code snippet.   
Sample code:  
<div id = "ControlRegion">   
@* create form *@   
<form id="frmFilters" method="post">   
    <div class="row">   
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" />   
@Html.EJ().Pivot().PivotGrid("PivotGrid1").EnableGroupingBar(true).ClientSideEvents(clientSideEvents => clientSideEvents.Load("onLoad")).DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Rows(rows => { rows.FieldName("Country").FieldCaption("Country").Add(); rows.FieldName("State").FieldCaption("State").Add(); }).Columns(columns => { columns.FieldName("Product").FieldCaption("Product").Add(); }).Values(values => { values.FieldName("Amount").Add(); values.FieldName("Quantity").Add(); }).Filters(filters => { filters.FieldName("Date").FieldCaption("Date").Add(); }))   
<script type="text/javascript">   
    $(document).ready(function () {   
        var pivot_dataset = [];   
        $("#frmFilters").submit(function (e) {   
            var form = $(this);   
           var url = '@(Url.Action("GetData""PivotGrid"))';   
                type: "POST",   
                dataType: "json",   
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",   
                url: url,   
                success: function (result) {   
                   var pivot = $("#PivotGrid1").ejPivotGrid("instance");   
                    pivot.model.dataSource.data = result;   
                error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {   
                    console.log(textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown);   
            e.preventDefault();//To privent page reload   
Meanwhile, we have provided the view page with above information for your convenience. Please find the sample page in the below link.   
Note: kindly replace the provided view page(PivotGridFeatures.cshtml) before running the sample.   
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.   
Sastha Prathap S. 

MA Manolo March 21, 2017 09:24 AM UTC

ok! it works! thanks

But other question.

How can I format date values? I set local to spanish, but I can't format date values

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team March 22, 2017 12:25 PM UTC

Hi Manolo, 

We regret you to inform that, for relational data source, it is not possible to change row/column headers to required format in PivotGrid internally. But, it can be achieved in sample level by following ways. 
1.       You can directly bind the raw data-set (JOSN data) in desire format for date field to display in PivotGrid. (or) 
2.       You can utilize the event “load” to convert the desired date format for desired headers then bind it to PivotGrid. Please find the below code example to achieve this. 
Sample Code: 
    function onLoad(args) { 
        for (var i = 0; i < pivot_dataset.length; i++) { 
            var val = (pivot_dataset[i])["Date"];     // Select field to set desired date format. 
            val = new Date(val); 
            //ej.widgetBase.formatting("{0:" + DateTime format string + "}", value, localization); 
            pivot_dataset[i].Date = ej.widgetBase.formatting("{0:" + "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'" + "}", val, "es-ES");   // To convert the date format as per the applied format string and localization. 
        args.model.dataSource.data = pivot_dataset; 

Thanks and Regards, 
Ramesh G 

MA Manolo March 23, 2017 07:54 AM UTC

Thanks a lot

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team March 24, 2017 06:21 AM UTC

Hi Manolo, 

Thanks for the reply. Please let us know if you have any questions on this. 

Ramesh G 

MR Martin R December 4, 2017 02:01 PM UTC


I have problem with this JS solution with onLoad(args) method is that sorting of this column is alphabetical, not by date. So earlier is 01/12/2017 than 31/11/2017... How can i solve this? 

Best regards,

Martin Rasovsky





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MM Manikandan Murugesan Syncfusion Team December 5, 2017 12:45 PM UTC

Hi Martin, 

The reported problem is a known issue and it is fixed in our Essential Studio 2017 Volume 4 Release v15.4.0.17. So, kindly upgrade the product version to resolve this problem. You can download the Essential Studio 2017 Volume 4 release v15.4.0.17 under the following link. 

In the sample, you need to set “format” and “formatString” for appropriate Column or Row field by using “Load” event. Please refer below code snippet. 
Code Snippet: [cshtml] 
@Html.EJ().Pivot().PivotGrid("PivotGrid1").EnableGroupingBar(true).ClientSideEvents(clientSideEvents => clientSideEvents.Load("onLoad")).DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Rows(rows => { rows.FieldName("Date").FieldCaption("Date").Add(); }).Columns(columns => { columns.FieldName("Product").FieldCaption("Product").Add(); }).Values(values => { values.FieldName("Amount").Add(); values.FieldName("Quantity").Add(); }).Filters(filters => { filters.FieldName("Country").FieldCaption("Country").Add(); })) 
Code Snippet: [javascript] 
function onLoad(args) { 
        args.model.dataSource.rows[0]["format"] = "date"; 
        args.model.dataSource.rows[0]["formatString"] = "dd-MM-yyyy"; 

Meanwhile, we have prepared sample as per your requirement by using CDN link. Please find the sample in below link. 

Please let us know if you have any other queries. 


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