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Which syncfusion component is this container


In Syncfusion Angular 2 examples I see that you have everywhere a container (like picture below), is there a specific component for that? If no, is there a simple way to create it?

1 Reply

SS Subha Shree Ramanathan Syncfusion Team March 16, 2017 10:15 AM UTC

Hi Me , 

We achieved the container using HTML tags and styles in our Angular 2 sample browser. We can also achieve the same appearance using ejAccordion component with single item. Refer to the below code snippet. 

        <a rel='nofollow' href="#">{{sampleName}}</a> 

The sample name(URL hash value) act as header and routing component will be the content for ejAccordion component. 

We have prepared Angular 2 application to achieve the requirement. 
Refer the below links to know more about ejAccordion component. 

Please let us know if you need further assistance on this. 

Subha Shree D.R 

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