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EJ:Schedule - DST Breaking Control?


I have spent the good half of my day trying to figure out why my project will not load up (compiles fine) even when I revert back to the last stable commit / version that worked 3 days ago. Apparently, there is an issue with Daylight Savings Time or something to that effect that completely breaks the control when the page loads (Visual Studio even stops working.)

I made a "demo" project (attached) that achieves the same effect. The ONLY way I can circumvent the "crash" is to set the current date to anything before March 12th / March 13th, but that kind of defeats the point of a current schedule.

Is there something I am missing in my project/solution settings or control that would cause this or is it Syncfusion?

Please and thanks,

Attachment: Demo_Syncfusion_Schedule_Error_d7d7ae49.zip

3 Replies

SE Sellakumar Syncfusion Team March 14, 2017 06:13 AM UTC

Hi Matt, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have prepared the sample to meet your requirement based on the given code example, which can be downloaded from the following location. 
Kindly check the above sample and revert us with further details, if you need any further assistance on this. 
Sellakumar K

MM Matt Micheletti March 15, 2017 02:08 PM UTC

Hi Sellakumar,

The sample you provided causes the error too. Steps to reproduce (from your provided sample)

Step 1) Load solution into Visual Studio
Step 2) Select Default.aspx
Step 3) Select "Internet Explorer" as Debug Browser
Step 4) Once Default.aspx loads (Dates should be March 5 - 11 In upper left corner)
Step 5) Press Forward Arrow ( > ) to move 1 week forward on the date selector
Then the program should hang-up and Visual Studio will become unresponsive (VS will briefly pop-up displaying "Opening the file..." then become unresponsive) and Visual Studio needs to be completely terminated by manual means.

Does this not happen on your end? If so, perhaps there is a setting that needs to be changed somewhere?

Update #1:
I believe it is March 12th that is causing the issues as I can load any date past this week in a week view, but if March 12th is included (in a week or workweek's view) then the program crashes.

Update #2:
This is indeed caused by Daylight Savings Time not being correctly handled. This is apparently a widespread bug within JavaScript due to changes in how locales/culture handle Daylight Savings Time. Here in the United States the time change started this past weekend and PC's that account for that automatically can cause infinite loops in JavaScript because of the specification that handles DST rules.

Please and thanks,

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team March 16, 2017 06:33 AM UTC

Hi Matt,       
Thanks for your update.    
We have checked the reported scenario and current time indicator value is not calculated correctly when DST is enabled which is the cause for the issue. This issue is fixed internally and will be included in our upcoming Main release Volume2, 2017 which is excepted to be rolled out at the end of April month.  In the meantime, we request you to use the below code example as a work around solution to overcome the reported issue.   

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