From: Eric Griffith
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 5:54 PM
To: Syncfusion Support <>
Subject: RE: Syncfusion support community forum 129308, Columns: support a "more" concept for a column., has been updated.
I would like to be about to the following.
For a column, configure if the “show more” option is available. This way only certain columns would make this available.
For a board, configure the wording of “show more”. Could use “more”, “more…”, “show more”, “…” as examples.
For a column, configure the number of cards before the “show more” would be available. Something like MaximumNumberDisplayedCards.
For a column, maybe really board, set the number of cards “show more” adds per click. I could see that the “show more” click increments the column MaximumNumberDisplayedCards which causes the redraw.
So, imagine you drag a card into a column that has the “show more” and it’s max is 10. This new card is 11. The “show more” would become available. The 11th card would disappear.
I do think that I would want an event handler to call to get the “more” cards. So, it would post the columnkey and the current max, and the next number.
It would be able to get the cards, add them to the column.
I guess some developers would just want to load all the cards within the browser and not be burden by the event handler call.
I hope this adds a little more clarification.
Regards, Eric