I have a couple of questions:
Is it possible to modify the resource header? Currently, it shows as follows:
I'd like to group it differently so that Date is the top row:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Room 1 | Room 2 Room 1 | Room 2 Room 1 | Room 2
I don't even really have a need to see owner in the header which is a good segway into my next question. In this scenario I can reserve a room for owner A for room1 on Monday A.M. and room 2 for Monday PM.
Is it possible to have resources that are not included in the resource header? I have a need to have resources for appointments, but I do not need to see them on the header. What if I don't what a resource header at all, but I want the resources loaded for the appointment?
In commercial applications it is possible for one user to reserve different rooms at different times. So as a user, I want to be able to schedule any room that I have access to. Is this possible with this control?
Please see the attached screenshot for what I am trying to accomplish.