i am using Syncfusion.XlsIO for reporting.
i was trying to set the filter value in pivot table pageFields dropdown but i could not set the filter value in excel sheet.
This issue is the big score topper of my task
kindly help me to solve the issue
//'Create Pivot Filter object to apply filter to page Fields
IPivotFilter filterValue = pivotTable.PageFields["CURRENCY"].PivotFilters.Add();
//Page Field would be filtered with value 'Binder'
filterValue.Value1 = "Binder";
pivotTable.Fields["CURRENCY"].Items[0].Visible = true;
//'Create Pivot Filter object to apply filter to page Fields
IPivotFilter filterValue1 = pivotTable.Fields["CURRENCY"].PivotFilters.Add();
//Page Field would be filtered with value 'Binder'
filterValue1.Value1 = "Binder";
Vasanth R