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Get a column's index in a MouseUp event, not a MouseDown ()

Hello all, I have a winform with two DataGrid, my goal is to drag a column's name of the first DataGrid and drop it in a cell of the second DataGrid. To do that I use HitTestInfo: System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.HitTestInfo myHitTest; myHitTest = dataGrid1.HitTest(e.X,e.Y); int p=myHitTest.Column; When I click on the first datagrid, this code run and give me the column's index (p), the problem is when I drop it in the second DataGrid, I'd like to know the target column's index. With the same code p=-1, I think because the HitTestInfo member return a value on a MouseDown and not on a MouseUp. If anyone can tell me how to do it, it would be very great P.S: I saw the FAQ solution "How can I get text from a column header in a MouseUp event" . http://www.syncfusion.com/faq/winforms/search/696.asp but it doesn't run, so tell me if I have to try again with this code. Thanks for your help

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