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Change Color of Navigation Strip Dot

How can I change the style of Navigation Strip Dots in xamarin forms? Also how can I style them so that they only have one circle instead of two concentric circles? 

11 Replies

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team February 9, 2017 12:30 PM UTC

Hi Subash,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

Currently we don't have support for custom view and custom color for navigation strip dots in SfRotator.we have considered this requirement as a feature request.It can be tracked through our feature management system

Rathanakumar S

SA Subash Adhikari February 10, 2017 05:53 AM UTC

Hello Rathana,

Thank you for your reply. I hope this will soon be added as the lack of ability to change colors makes the rotator stick out from rest of the design and that's not really good! :) 

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team February 13, 2017 11:47 AM UTC

Hi Subash,

Thanks for your update.

Based on your Color customization requirement with Rotator control, we have summarised the feature description below. Please provide a confirmation whether the below satisfies your requirement, so that we can validate and provide a release timeline for the Feature implementation.

Need to implement support for customizing the
- UnSelectedDotsColor
- SelectedDotsColor
- DotsBorderColor

Rathanakumar S.

SA Subash Adhikari February 13, 2017 02:17 PM UTC

Hello Rathana,

Thank you for your reply and taking my request very seriously. Yes these features will be extremely helpful but there are some features about rotator I would like to propose along with those three indicated by your answer :

1. IndicatorBorderVisibility
2. IndicatorOffest  (from bottom, top, left or right -- so that it does not appear directly above the image)

To create something like this  but without the arrows !

And thank you for your reply and keep up the awesome work making life easier for developers!

Best Regards,

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team February 15, 2017 03:58 AM UTC

Hi Subash,

Thanks for your update.

We have consider the your requirement to provide custom color and offset for SfRotator navigation strip dots as a feature request and a support incident to track the status of the feature has been created under your account.  Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.

Rathanakumar S

SA Subash Adhikari February 15, 2017 06:11 AM UTC

Hello Rathana,

Thank you very much for your help. I hope to see it being implemented very soon!
Best Regards,
Subash Adhikari

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team February 16, 2017 01:30 PM UTC

Hi Subash, 

Thanks for your update and please follow the incident for further update. 

Rathanakumar S. 

MT mtwsm March 27, 2017 09:35 AM UTC

Hi Subash, hi Rathana,

We also would like to customize the style of our Navigation Strip Dots by simply changing their BackgroundColor. Is there any news about this new feature ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards,

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team March 28, 2017 10:00 AM UTC

Hi Toussaint,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We have consider your requirement "Provide Backgroundcolor for Navigation Strip Dots" as a feature request and we have already logged feature report for this. A support incident to track the status of the feature has been created under your account.  Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.

Rathanakumar S.

MT mtwsm March 28, 2017 03:54 PM UTC

Hi Rathana,

Thank you for creating a support incident. :)

Best regards,

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team March 29, 2017 12:18 PM UTC

Hi Toussaint,

Thanks for your update.

Please let us know if need any further assistance.


Rathanakumar S.

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