<ej-grid id="Grid" [dataSource]="userFunctions" [allowSorting]="true"
[editSettings]="{'allowEditing':'true', 'editMode':'batch'}" [allowPaging]="true">
<e-column field="id" [width]="20" [isPrimaryKey]="true" headerText=" "></e-column>
<e-column field="name" headerText="Name" ></e-column>
<e-column field="status" [width]="160" [editType]="dropdownlist" [editParams]="{'showPopupOnLoad':true}" foreignKeyField="value" foreignKeyValue="text" [dataSource]="statusTitles" headerText="Status"
[editTemplate]="{create:dropCreate, read:dropRead, write:replacedDropWrite}">></e-column>
The "status" field holds boolean value, the statusTitles datasource returns the string "label" for that boolean value. So, I need an editor for that field, and I user editTemplate. Here's the functions:
return ("<input>")
dropRead(args) {
return args.ejDropDownList("getSelectedValue")
replacedDropWrite(args) {
let itemindex = args.rowdata.status == true ? 0 : 1;
args.element.ejDropDownList({enableFilterSearch:"true", width: "100%", dataSource: args.column[2].dataSource, fields: { text: "text", value: "value" }, selectedItemIndex: itemindex });
The dropRead returns a string value, as it the string value, that "status" field gets from foreign key datasource. However, when the function is executed, the following error happens:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.saveCell (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:2757383)
at Object.endEdit (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:2699888)
at Object.selectRows (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:2872544)
at Object._moveCurrentCell (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:2773550)
at Object._keyPressed (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:2620861)
at Object.eval (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:21455)
at HTMLElement.eval (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:10:25858)
at HTMLElement.dispatch (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:3:10315)
at HTMLElement.q.handle (eval at module.exports (addScript.js:9), <anonymous>:3:8342)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:265)
This error does not happen on editMode: normal, as it doesn't happen with boolean value type.
<e-column field="OrderID" headerText="Order ID" [isPrimaryKey]="true" width="75" textAlign="right" ></e-column>
<e-column field="EmployeeID" headerText="Employee ID" width="75" textAlign="right"></e-column>
<e-column field="Verified" headerText="Verified" width="110" foreignKeyField="value" foreignKeyValue="text" [dataSource]="statusTitles" [editParams]="{'showPopupOnLoad':true}" [editTemplate]="editTemp"></e-column>
this.editTemp = {
create: function () {
return "<input>";
read: function (args) {
var value = args.ejDropDownList("getSelectedValue") == "false" ? false : true
return { text: args.ejDropDownList("getValue"), value: value };
write: function (args) {
var itemindex = args.rowdata.Verified == true ? 0 : 1;
args.element.ejDropDownList({ enableFilterSearch: "true", width: "100%", dataSource: args.column[2].dataSource, fields: { text: "text", value: "value" }, selectedItemIndex: itemindex });
} |