Hi, just started using sfdatagrid.
I want to display row headers instead of column headers. is it possible with sfdatagrid ? I'm trying to get the Header names for data on leftmost column. like as below :
Name: John selena .......and so
Dept: IT IT ........
Age: 29 26 ..........
City: LA Nyc ............
State: CA NY ............
M/F: M F ............
<sfgrid: SfDataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate>
<sfgrid:GridTextRow MappingName="Names" />
<sfgrid:GridTextRow MappingName="Age"/>
</sfgrid: SfDataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate>
I tried like this, but it threw an error SfDataGrid>RowHeaderTemplare not found. Can you please help me with this.
Is there any sample like this. If yes, please provide me the sample, Thank you.