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how to customize the sfdatagrid ?

Hi, just started using sfdatagrid.
I want to display row headers instead of column headers. is it possible with sfdatagrid ? I'm trying to get the Header names for data on leftmost column. like as below :

Name: John  selena .......and so
Dept:   IT     IT        ........
Age:   29      26        ..........
City:   LA    Nyc     ............
State: CA    NY       ............
M/F:  M      F          ............

<sfgrid: SfDataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate>
   <sfgrid:GridTextRow MappingName="Names" />
   <sfgrid:GridTextRow MappingName="Age"/>
</sfgrid: SfDataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate>

I tried like this, but it threw an error SfDataGrid>RowHeaderTemplare not found. Can you please help me with this.
Is there any sample like this. If yes, please provide me the sample, Thank you.

1 Reply

AN Ashok N Syncfusion Team February 7, 2017 02:03 PM UTC

Hi Kumar, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have checked your query and using our SfDataGrid we can’t able to achieve your requirement. But you can achieve this by using SfListView control by changing Orientation. Please refer the below UG link to get more information about SfListView. 


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