I have problem regarding exporting paged SfDataGrid to excel using Xamarin.Android . I have created SfDataPager and set it's source to my IEnumerable<>, then I assigned SfDataGrid items source to SfDataPagers pagedSource and it all works fine. But when I export sfDataGrid to excel, I get just the current sfDataGrid page in file.xlsx. How can I get whole sfDataGrid in exported file (all pages)? (e.g. SfDataGrid for WinRT has exportOption.ExportAllPages). Thanks in advance. Here is my code below:
DataGridExcelExportingController excelExport = new DataGridExcelExportingController();
DataGridExcelExportingOption exportOption = new DataGridExcelExportingOption();
exportOption.ExportHeader = true;
exportOption.ExportRowHeight = false;
exportOption.DefaultRowHeight = 30;
exportOption.ExportColumnWidth = false;
exportOption.DefaultColumnWidth = 150;
exportOption.ExportGroups = true;
var excelEngine = excelExport.ExportToExcel(sfDataGrid, exportOption);
var workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks[0];
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
//Save("DataGrid.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream, sfDataGrid.Context);
Save("DataGrid.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream, sfDataGrid.Context);