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Some problem on UWP SfCalendar control

i have some problem with SfCalendar on UWP platform, the same code on android works well.

1) if i have an appointment added on today if i click on this the appointments is not toggled, if i click on another day than toggle is open and if i click on today i can see the appointments.
2) no color is show in appointments list

Thanks in advance

3 Replies

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team January 31, 2017 07:30 AM UTC

Hi Alex,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We are currently facing some issue in Inlineview for SfCalendar(Xamarin.Forms.UWP). A support incident to track the status of the issue has been created under your account.  Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.

Rathanakumar S

AI Alessio Iafrate January 31, 2017 08:41 AM UTC

Thanks, i wait for update

RK Rathana Kumar Sekar Syncfusion Team February 1, 2017 04:59 AM UTC

Hi Alex,
Thanks for the update. We will provide further updates to your support incident.

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