I am really pulling my hair out now......
//Add Data to a local List<>
_columns = new List<ColModel>();
_columns.Add(new ColModel() { Name = "Open", Category = "Open" });
_columns.Add(new ColModel() { Name = "In Progress", Category = "EBED51D0-FA68-49C6-830D-EE72B30E7BA0"});
_columns.Add(new ColModel() { Name = "Code Review", Category = "AF48DAC5-2855-46FF-A511-9E86E7FABE09"});
_columns.Add(new ColModel() { Name = "Done", Category = "45064E8E-6F88-459D-BA74-B8721F1E15C8" });
//Load Data from a sqlite db
var cols = Task.Run(async () => await _database.BoardColumn().GetProjectColumns(SelectedProject.ProjectId)).Result;
//Add the db columns
KanbanColumns = new KanbanColumnCollection();
foreach (var col in cols)
string s = col.BoardColumnId;
KanbanColumns.Add(new KanbanColumn() { Categories = new List<object>() { s }, Title = col.Name });
//Add the Local List data
foreach (var col in _columns)
string s = col.Category;
KanbanColumns.Add(new KanbanColumn() { Categories = new List<object>() { s }, Title = col.Name });
With all this said and done...
cards added to the columns made from the Local List (i.e. Compiled into the App) work,
cards added to a column loaded from a sqlite db table do not work, I have checked the data and the ids match fine, if I debug the app and examine the ids from the db and from the static list, they match correctly?
When sfKanBan columns match their cards, are you using an IndexOf() to find the categories? I wonder if there is some weird locale setting getting in the way, with the GUID?