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Setting up Nuget


I'm trying to add DocIO to a new .Net Core project on Mac and I need some guidance. I'm not using the UI components.
  1. What Nuget source URL should I add?
  2. What dependencies and versions should I add to project.json?
  3. For future versions, where can I see the dependencies version for the Syncfusion release version?

4 Replies

AK Ayswarya Krishna Kumar Syncfusion Team January 26, 2017 11:33 AM UTC

Hi Gabriel,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.
1. What Nuget source URL should I add? 
You need to use Syncfusion.DocIO.AspNet.Core nuget packages along with its dependency nuget packages. Please find the nuget packages from the below location.
Syncfusion ASP.NET Core NuGet Packages
2. What dependencies and versions should I add to project.json? 
The dependent assemblies are as follows.


Please find the UG Documentation link for more details:

Please find the steps to configure Syncfusion File Format Components in Asp.Net Core application from the below link.

3. For future versions, where can I see the dependencies version for the Syncfusion release version 
Yes, you can find the future versions of Syncfusion nuget packages from the below link


The latest versions nuget packages will be updated at every releases in the above link.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


GA Gabriel Axel January 26, 2017 04:18 PM UTC

Thanks. I got a working project.

I'm trying to convert DOC and DOCX into HTML and if there are images, I want to get their content, upload them to another server where they will have a public URL, and use that URL in the HTML img src property. Is there a way to do it directly, I mean a sort of hook where the input is the image content and the output is the img element string? If not, I would like to add a feature request for this. Also, I would like to get only the body of the HTML, can the conversion be set to render only the body (the content of the body, without the body tags)? If not, I would also like to propose that as a feature request.


GA Gabriel Axel January 26, 2017 07:19 PM UTC

One more thing - is there any ETA for conversion of a page to image in .Net Core?

VR Vijay Ramachandran Syncfusion Team January 27, 2017 01:56 PM UTC

Hi Gabriel,

Thank you for your update.

Currently your requirement is not feasible and w
e have logged this as a feature request in our database and we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this feature. We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming releases. We usually have an interval of at least three months between releases. The feature implementation would also greatly depend on the factors such as product design, code compatibility and complexity.

Regarding Word to Image conversion in ASP.NET Core:

Already we have logged a feature request for this requirement and currently we couldn’t able to provide a concrete timeline for this feature implementation.
We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming releases.

We will let you know once after completing this features.

Vijay R

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