i just evaluating the scheduler. When i add a new appointment, there is no refresh that show's the new task on screen until weekview view is swiped.
second problem is following:
clientMeeting.IsRecursive = true; RecurrenceProperties recurrenceProperties = new RecurrenceProperties(); recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceType.Daily; recurrenceProperties.IsRangeEndDate = true; recurrenceProperties.RangeStartDate = clientMeeting.StartTime; recurrenceProperties.RangeEndDate = clientMeeting.EndTime; recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule = DependencyService.Get<IRecurrenceBuilder>().RRuleGenerator(recurrenceProperties, clientMeeting.StartTime, clientMeeting.EndTime); clientMeeting.RecurrenceRule = recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule;
When i add a recursive task with a duration of 2 days i got a android java 0 divide error?
How can i fix this issue?
best regards, Richard