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grid crud operation


I have follow your sample for manage crud operation on controller


but on the event in the controller the value is always null

public ActionResult CellEditUpdate([FromBody]CRUDModel<DLCore.Models.Maintenance> value)

1 the class DLCore.Models.Maintenance in public int he project
2 ther is no error 
3 IsPrimaryKey” is defined 

What other controls I have to do?

thank you for your support

3 Replies

MF Mohammed Farook J Syncfusion Team January 17, 2017 05:25 AM UTC

Hi Freno, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Supports 
We have validated your reported issue and we unable to reproduced .  Please find the General root cause of this issue. 
1.       Did you model class property has correct? 
2.       Please share the sample if it possible or modified the attached sample with issue?. 
3.       Please share the grid  full code snippet. 
4.       Is it any grid field is not available in dataSource. 
J.Mohammed Farook 

FP franco perduca January 17, 2017 06:59 AM UTC

Teh problem appear only with the

.EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding().AllowDeleting().AllowEditing().EditMode(EditMode.DialogTemplate).DialogEditorTemplateID("#template").ShowDeleteConfirmDialog(); })

with this code

 .EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding().AllowDeleting().AllowEditing(); })

it's works

Thank you

MF Mohammed Farook J Syncfusion Team January 18, 2017 01:32 PM UTC

Hi Freno, 

We have validated your reported issue and we unable to reproduced at our end. Please find the sample for your reference. 


This error may occur the following root cause : 

1.       If you send incorrect value type to server , this error may occur. 
For eg: if you have date object but did you send string value means this issue will thrown. 
2.       Did you send the grid filed value but it not available dataSource 

J.Mohammed Farook 

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