I want to create a hierarchy-based SfDataGrid and I think it's possible but I can't see how to do it.
The idea is similar to the grouping sample but a bit different.
The main differences between the data grid I want and the samples are:
- I want more than one level (at least three) of hierarchy.
So I should be able to expand one item of the first level, then it should show below the items inside it (second level items).
Then this second level items should be also expandable with the same way.
- There are no group header rows, the only thing is that each row corresponds to one determined level.
The data structure (columns) for each row is the same, not as the samples which has no columns.
- The text formatting style (font size, font colour, etc) has to be different depending on the level.
- When all the items in all the levels are expanded, the data grid appearance has to be quite similar to a normal grid:
A list of rows with a value for each column. Of course, each one with the proper text formatting style.
In order to clarify my idea you can think about a data grid intended to show sales-related data (total sales, market share, growth, etc):
-You will have a row with the national data. Then, below this one you will have one row for each province. Finally, below each of these rows you will have one row for each municipality below the proper province row.
-Each level will be able to be expanded or collapsed. For example you can collapse all by collapsing the national row. Then you can expand this one to show only the data of each province. Finally you can expand any province row to view the data from each municipality inside this province.
I think that's all.
I can provide any other information that will help you to clarify me how I can reproduce this kind of grid.
Thanks a lot,