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Very high CPU usage when clearing cell data

I have issues with a function that updates the ListGrid every 150ms from a IList<T>:
In the cells with data, I just update the value and the color (CurrentRow); for the remaining rows and cells I have this 2 nested fors to clear texx and color.

for (int r = CurrentRow; r < _ListGrid.RowCount; r++)
  for (int c = 1; c <= _ListGrid.ColCount; c++)
 _ListGrid.Model[r, c].CellValue = "";
 _ListGrid.Model[r, c].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
 _ListGrid.Model[r, c].TextColor = Color.Black;

This blocks the UI and uses a lot of CPU:

Is there a fastest way to clear cells? I've found this post with a similar problem but it's not my case.

Thank you for your help and time.


3 Replies

DA Daniele January 3, 2017 08:52 AM UTC

Sorry wrong image in the OP. That image is the report with the 2 for commented.
This is the correct image:

DA Daniele January 3, 2017 08:53 AM UTC


Sorry... There is no preview and no edit :D

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team January 3, 2017 01:09 PM UTC

Hi Daniele, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 

We have created the simple sample as per your requirement . To clear the cell values instead of assigning null values through iteration, ClearCells method of grid can be used. In this method, particular range of cells can be cleared  by using GridRangeInfo value. Please make use of the below code, 

Code example: 
int currentRow = this.gridControl1.CurrentCell.RowIndex; 
int rowCount = this.gridControl1.Model.RowCount; 
int colCount = this.gridControl1.Model.ColCount; 
this.gridControl1.Model.ClearCells(GridRangeInfo.Cells(currentRow, 1, rowCount, colCount), true); 
Please refer the below UG document for further references, 
Sample link: 
We would like to suggest to use VirtualGrid for your requirement. In VirtualGrid , all data will be supplied from external datasource at runtime. So you can use VirtualGrid to load the data on demand as per your scenario. 
Please refer to the below documents for further references, 


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