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Ribbon toggle-button

I have the follow toggle-button

    <e-content-group id="connect" tool-tip="Connect to APRS Server" type="ToggleButton">
                                                <e-toggle-button-settings click="onConnect" content-type="TextAndImage" default-text="Connect" default-prefix-icon="agw-disconnect" active-text="Disconnect" active-prefix-icon="agw-connect" image-position="ImageTop">

How can i change its state from javascript?
The situation is as follow. When the user clicks opens a modal and the user either continue with the connection or just presses cancel and stays disconnected.
The button when the user click it changes state. I want to set it to unselected when the user clicks Cancel.
Thank you in advance for any help.

1 Reply

PK Pradeep Kumar Bose Syncfusion Team January 2, 2017 01:07 PM UTC

Hi George, 
Query : When the user clicks opens a modal and the user either continue with the connection or just presses cancel and stays disconnected.  
The requested requirement “ Changing toggle button state” can be achieved using toggle button client side event. 

//Here you can define toggle button click event ‘onConnect’. 

<e-content-group id="undo" > 
                           <e-toggle-button-settings id="tglbtn" click=" onConnect”  show-rounded-corner="true" default-text="Connect" active-text="Connected" /> 

//script section for Toggle button state change. 
        function onConnect(e) { 
            var r = confirm("Connect or not");                           
    if (r == false) { 
                this.option('toggleState', false); 
You can check the following api documentation link of toggle button. 

For your convenient we have attached sample. 

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