I am using
aurelia skeleton-navigation esnext as a base. The
Aurelia Syncfusion Bridge is installed and working correctly as I have verified it using the grid remote data example.
My custom adapter is working fine in an ES5 but I am having trouble converting it to an es6 class that can be use as an import
I am using the grid remote data and replacing it with my custom adapter.
this.OrdersList = ej.DataManager({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
url: dataurl,
adaptor: syncfusionDreamFactoryAdapter(),
My custom adapter is extending the your odata adapter.
var syncfusiondmSymbols = {};
syncfusiondmSymbols.operatorSymbols = {
"=": "equal",
"is not null": "notnull",
"is null": "isnull",
"is not in": "notin",
"is in": "in"
ej.data.fnOperators.like = function (actual, expected, ignoreCase) {
if (ignoreCase)
return (actual) && "LIKE" && (expected);
return actual > expected;
ej.data.fnOperators.notin = function (actual, expected, ignoreCase) {
if (ignoreCase)
return (actual) && "NOT IN " && (expected);
return actual > expected;
ej.data.fnOperators.in = function (actual, expected, ignoreCase) {
if (ignoreCase)
return (actual) && "IN" && (expected);
return actual > expected;
$.extend(ej.data.operatorSymbols, syncfusiondmSymbols.operatorSymbols);
var syncfusionDreamFactoryAdapter = new ej.ODataAdaptor().extend({
options: {
from: "table",
requestType: "json",
sortBy: "order",
select: "fields",
skip: "skip",
group: "group",
take: "limit",
search: "search",
count: "count",
where: "filter",
aggregates: "aggregates"
dreamFactoryodBiOperator: {
"<": " < ",
">": " > ",
"<=": " <= ",
">=": " >= ",
"==": " = ",
"=": " = ",
"!=": " != ",
"lessthan": " < ",
"lessthanorequal": " <= ",
"greaterthan": " > ",
"greaterthanorequal": " >= ",
"equal": " = ",
"notequal": " != ",
"like": " LIKE ",
"notnull": " IS NOT NULL ",
"isnull": " IS NULL",
"contains": " CONTAINS ",
"endswith": " ENDS WITH ",
"startswith": " STARTS WITH "
dreamFactoryUniOperator: {
"in": " IN ",
"notin": " NOT IN ",
"IS IN": " IS IN "
onPredicate: function (pred, query, requiresCast) {
// query._fromTable ="contact"
var returnValue = "",
operator, guid,
val = pred.value,
type = typeof val,
field = this._p(pred.field);
//field = field.replace(/^(|\)$/g, '');
if (val instanceof Date) {
val = "datetime'" + p.replacer(val).toJSON() + "'";
operator = this.dreamFactoryodBiOperator[pred.operator];
if (operator) {
returnValue += field;
returnValue += operator;
if (guid)
returnValue += guid;
return returnValue + val;
operator = this.dreamFactoryUniOperator[pred.operator];
if (!operator || type !== "string") return "";
returnValue += field;
returnValue += operator + "(";
if (guid) returnValue += guid;
returnValue += val + ")";
return returnValue
processResponse: function (data, ds, query, xhr, request, changes) {
var count = null, aggregateResult = {};
if (query && query._requiresCount) {
if (data.meta) count = data.meta.count;
data = data.resource;
return isNull(count) ? data : {result: data, count: count};
onCount: function (e) {
return e === true ? true : "";
beforeSend: function (dm, request, settings) {
var table = "", count = "", data = ej.parseJSON(settings.data);
if (data.table)
table = data.table;
if (data.count === true) {
delete data.count;
count = 'include_count=true';
settings.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
settings.url = settings.url + table + '?method=GET&' + count + '';
delete data.params;
delete data.requiresCounts;
settings.data = JSON.stringify(data)
var isNull = function (val) {
return val === undefined || val === null;
I have tried as a test exporting as a function your custom adapter example, but I get an error this.adaptor.processQuery is not a function
Any help is appreciated