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Where is RadialMenu?

I know that it is in Preview but I would like to know if there is already some small documentation about it? How can we integrated it in our xamarin.android app?

3 Replies

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team December 16, 2016 01:22 PM UTC

Hi Emil,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query: How to work with SfRadilMenu

Since it is in preview stage we can provide minimal description only.

Now instantiate and add the SfRadialMenu control with a required optimal name.

SfRadialMenu radialMenu = new SfRadialMenu(this);

Items can be populated by this way

Typeface tf = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(con.Assets, "settings.ttf");

FrameLayout frame = new FrameLayout(this);

SfRadialMenu radialMenu = new SfRadialMenu(this);

for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
//Adding Items
SfRadialMenuItem item = new SfRadialMenuItem(this) { FontIconSize = 20, IconFont = tf, FontIconText = layer[i],FontIconColor=Color.Transparent,ItemWidth=50,ItemHeight=50};
item.ItemTapped += Item_ItemTapped;

//Adding Subitems
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
SfRadialMenuItem item1 = new SfRadialMenuItem(this) {FontIconSize = 30, IconFont = tf, FontIconText = wifi[j], Text = strings1[j],FontIconColor = Color.Transparent, ItemWidth = 50, ItemHeight = 50 };


Gestures can be controlled by using this codes

radialMenu.IsDragEnabled= false;
radialMenu.EnableRotation= true;

Please refer our sample browser sample for more information.

Pavendhan K.

MA Marisol May 20, 2017 01:43 AM UTC


Could you tell me if I can create a dynamic RadialMenu?
The source of our radialMenu data is in a database and changes are made in the menu's items so we need to reflect this.

Is there a way to do it?
Thank you.

CP Chozarajan Pandiyarajan Syncfusion Team May 22, 2017 12:25 PM UTC

Hi Marisol,

We are prepared a sample to add items to radialMenu in dynamically. Please get the sample from the below link,

Link : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/127894/ze/Radial_Menu-2128610215 

Please let us know if the sample resolves your query or update us with more information.

Chozarajan P 

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