I'm binding a datasource to a grid with a field "process". The datasource also contains Id column for the corresponding process column which is not displayed.
The grid has a filterbar template which displays ejDropdown for the same process column from remote datasource which returns distinct of process names with id. Below is the JS code
{field: 'process',filterBarTemplate: { write: function (args) {args.element.ejDropDownList({ width: '100%', showPopupButton: true, dataSource: ej.DataManager({ url: '/GetData/Process', adaptor: new ej.UrlAdaptor()}),fields:{text: 'value',value: 'id'},change: ej.proxy(args.column.filterBarTemplate.read, this, args) })},read: function(args) {console.log(args);if (args.element.val() == '0') {this.clearFiltering(args.column.field);args.element.val('')}this.filterColumn(args.column.field , 'equal',args.element.val(), 'and', true); }, },headerText: 'Process',headerTextAlign: 'center'}
On dropdown selection the (Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataManager dm) parameter gives the bound column name(process) in dm.Where.Field. I want to know is there way to specify different filter column? I tried adding "this.filterColumn(args.column.field + id" )" but the dropdown selection is not working on first click it works on second click or after clearing.
Any idea? or is it a bug?