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Does a multiple series chart group (move) data points to common?closest? x coordinates?

I've been wrestling with what I'm seeing in multiple series charts.  It seems like the first series defines the x axis coordinates to be used in plotting all subsequent series.
Trying many chart formats, they all seem to behave the same.

In the chart below you can see only the 1st Series time was used as x axis coordinates.
1st Series(blue)          2nd Series(brown)
12:00:00, 1000            12:00:00, 1000.0
12:00:04, 999.93         12:00:01, 999.65
12:00:08, 1000.44       12:00:02, 999.36
12:00:11, 1000.43       12:00:03, 999.45
12:00:14, 999.97         12:00:08, 998.89
12:00:17, 999.77         12:00:11, 998.89
12:00:20, 999.94         12:00:16, 999.77
12:00:24, 1000.60       12:00:17, 1000.18
12:00:29, 1001.03       12:00:21, 999.43
12:00:31, 1001.12       12:00:22, 999.63

This may be connected to a separate thread where a SfDateTimeRangeNavigator does not seem to align axis with the underlying chart.

2 Replies

AL Alan L December 12, 2016 02:49 PM UTC

Would using CategoryAxis be the root of my problem?
It seems like switching the primary axis to NumericalAxis is behaving as expected.

SS Sheik Syed Abthaheer M Syncfusion Team December 13, 2016 12:51 PM UTC

Hi Alan, 
Thanks for your update. 
We would like to inform you that, CategoryAxis is an index based axis and so the scaling of axis depends on datapoint index. That is, the first point of each series will be plotted on first value (index) of x axis.  So the x-axis labels are generated from the series with maximum datapoint (segment) count, to include all the series’s datapoints into the plot area. 
As you mentioned, by using the LinearAxis such as NumericalAxis, DateTimeAxis, the reported problem can be resolved. 

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