Hi Issam,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
Query1:i am using the autocomplete widget with an ajax call that return the top 10 products from the server .
Please use “create” event of autocomplete to achieve this. In create event, define Ajax GET method to get the top 10 items from the server on clicking the popup button.
Query2:is there a way to add a button or a link at the bottom of the Autocomplete popup to redirect to another page to view all the items?
Currently, there is no built-in support for this. So, we suggest that you append the link or button in “open” event of Autocomplete. In open event, you need to get Autocomplete instance and append new “li” item to the suggestion list for adding button at the bottom of Autocomplete. Using AJAX GET returns all the items from the server and redirects to a new page by using window.open method by passing the items in an array.
For your reference, we have created a simple demo available in:
We would like to ensure whether the above sample fulfils your requirement. If not, please share your requirement in detail. We would be happy to assist you further.