Hi there,
Firstly, does the tooltip logic in SFCHart change based on the chart type?
I have two pie charts within a UIScrollView.
What I am trying to do is to show a model ViewController with two UILabels. The labels are the description and percentage value of the segment. Here are the various parts:
-- ChartViewController
-- Loads two charts within the same UIScrollView (my app is locked to landscape)
-- ChartDelegate
-- Overrides the WillShowTooltip method
-- TooltipViewController
-- Overrides ViewWillAppear
-- ChartView Model
-- Overrides GetDataPoint, GetNumberOfDataPoints, GetSeries, NumberOfSeriesInChart.
What I am seeing is an empty tooltip - although the same logic was applied to a StackingColumnSeries and the CustomView tooltip appears correctly....
Stepping through I can inspect
tooltipView.CustomView = _tooltipViewController.View;
within the WillShowTooltip override and can see that it has correctly created the custom view (TooltipViewController.VIew) but when it appears on the screen the tooltip is empty and 0 width and height.
Any help would be much appreciated.
All the best,