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SFChart - Pie Series - Showing custom tooltip

Hi there,

Firstly, does the tooltip logic in SFCHart change based on the chart type? 

I have two pie charts within a UIScrollView.   

What I am trying to do is to show a model ViewController with two UILabels. The labels are the description and percentage value of the segment. Here are the various parts:

-- ChartViewController 
    -- Loads two charts within the same UIScrollView (my app is locked to landscape)
-- ChartDelegate
   -- Overrides the WillShowTooltip method
-- TooltipViewController 
  -- Overrides ViewWillAppear 
-- ChartView Model
  -- Overrides GetDataPoint, GetNumberOfDataPoints, GetSeries, NumberOfSeriesInChart.

What I am seeing is an empty tooltip - although the same logic was applied to a StackingColumnSeries and the CustomView tooltip appears correctly.... 

Stepping through I can inspect 

   tooltipView.CustomView = _tooltipViewController.View;

within the WillShowTooltip override and can see that it has correctly created the custom view (TooltipViewController.VIew) but when it appears on the screen the tooltip is empty and 0 width and height. 

Any help would be much appreciated.

All the best,


1 Reply

LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team November 29, 2016 12:25 PM UTC

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have created an incident under your Direct Trac account. So, we request to follow the incident for further details.

Our Direct Trac support system can be accessed from the following link:


Lakshmi R.

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