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How to detect that a paste of multiple objects has completed?


I have a requirement to know when a diagram.paste operation is complete.
For example, the user may perform a Select All + Copy, then move to a new diagram and perform a Paste.
This may include a few objects or hundreds of objects.
Since I display a busy screen when the paste starts, I need a way of determining that the paste of all objects is complete - so that I can hide the busy screen.

Any thoughts (code snippets)?

Thanks in advance


1 Reply

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team November 24, 2016 01:29 PM UTC

Hi Jim, 

Please use command manager to achieve your requirement. Please refer to the code example and sample below. 

Code example: 

Command paste = new Command() 
                    Execute = "executepaste", 
                    CanExecute = "canexecutepaste", 
                    Gesture = new Gesture() { Key = Keys.V, KeyModifiers = KeyModifiers.Control } 
                DiagramContent.CommandManager.Commands.Add("paste", paste);     
function executepaste(args) { 
     var diagram = $("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram("instance"); 
     //you can hide the busy screen 
 function canexecutepaste(args) { 
     if (args.model.selectedItems.children.length) { 
         return true; 

Shyam G 

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