Hi Elie,
Thanks for your interest in syncfusion products.
Query #1:
Using ContextMenuOpening event of SfSchedule, you can avoid the opening of default menu selection by setting the e.Cancel property as true. Please refer the following code example.
Schedule.ContextMenuOpening += Schedule_ContextMenuOpening;
private void Schedule_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuOpeningEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
Query #2 “default date”:
Based on the given information, we suspect that your requirement is get VisibleDates in SfSchedule. This can be achieved by using “VisibleDatesChanging” event. To move any particular date you can use MoveToDate() in SfSchedule control.
if the provided solution does not meet your requirement, could you please provide us more information regarding your requirement? It will be helpful for us to analyze on your requirement and provide you a possible solution.
Nijamudeen M.