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HideEmptyGridViewDefinitions hides nested rows that has data

I generate a Grid with HIdeEmptyGridViewDefinitions="False"

I can see all my rows, can click on the expander, and see nested data.

When I set HideEmptyGridViewDefinitions="True"

I can see all my rows, but can not click on the expander and can not see nested data (for ANY row!)

What exactly is being looked for to determine whether or not a GridView is indeed Empty or not?
(Obviously the one List() element I have in my object is populated otherwise it would not expand, as indicated above).

2 Replies

DH David Harvey November 10, 2016 09:15 PM UTC

Grid:SfDataGrid Name="DataGrid" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" Grid.RowSpan="2" Margin="10,10,10,0" ColumnSizer="Auto"
                         AutoGenerateColumns="True" AutoGenerateRelations="True" Grid:DetailsViewManager.DisableLastColumnResizing="True" ItemsSource="{Binding Positions}"
                         Background="#FF131313" Foreground="#FF1F46AE"
                         AllowResizingColumns="True" AllowDraggingColumns="True" HideEmptyGridViewDefinition="False" HeaderStyle="{StaticResource headerStyle}"
                         CellStyleSelector="{StaticResource cellColorSelector}"

GT Gnanasownthari Thirugnanam Syncfusion Team November 12, 2016 06:27 PM UTC

Hi David, 

We have analyzed your query,  your reported issue has been working fine from our side. We have prepared the sample as per your scenario which is attached below and it is working fine in our side. The parent DataGrid row hides only the empty details view grids. Could you please look into the below sample and please modify as per your application. This would be more helpful for us to analyze further. 

Gnanasownthari T. 

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