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Multi select combo or list box

Hi all,
Are there any Synchfusion tools out there which allow me to have a combo box where i can select multiple items from?


3 Replies

MJ Mano J Syncfusion Team May 29, 2008 07:43 AM UTC

Hi Jamie,

We have a control named ComboboxBase which can host any ListBox derived control in its dropdown. For your requirement you can host CheckedListBox control in the dropdown.


Best Regards,

MA Muhammad Asif Ahmed replied to Mano J November 6, 2016 04:32 PM UTC

Hi Jamie,

We have a control named ComboboxBase which can host any ListBox derived control in its dropdown. For your requirement you can host CheckedListBox control in the dropdown.


Best Regards,

Link is not opening. Please help

KJ Keerthana Jegannathan Syncfusion Team November 9, 2016 04:33 AM UTC

Hi Jamie, 
We request you to use the below link for know more about the ComboBoxBase control which allows you to host any ListBox control in its dopdown. 
Keerthana J. 

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