Hi Kinnaree,
Please try this workaround (assumed data are used here) to show the “kg per week using group by the parcelID in that particular week, get the max kg per parcel, and finally sum its values”. Please follow the below steps to create the expression.
1. Create the expression for max weight and total count of parcel. Enter the expression that you like to define in the Expression text area
Example for max weight: MAX([Weight])
Example for and total count of parcel: COUNT([ParcelID])
2. Drag and drop a pivot grid from the toolbox.
3. Drag and drop delivered date field into Row(s) and click the setting button to change the “Week of Year” option to provide total weeks in the year.
4. Also drag and drop the needed columns to the Row(s) and Column(s)
5. Values will be shown in pivot grid widget like this below mentioned screenshots.
Please try this and let us know if this works. If the provided workaround is not works then share us the sample data, so that it would help us to investigate further at our end.