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How to use/register Nuget with license key?


I just downloaded and installed Essential Studio and packages on my PC with lincese key. But I decided to install from nuget instead of offline dlls.
How can I register those nuget packages using license key? 

this is the url I am using for xamarin:

I followed command line described here https://help.syncfusion.com/extension/syncfusion-nuget-packages/register-the-syncfusion-license-key

But when I execute this, does it mean my project nuget packages updated? what does this command line do? 
I saw somewhere else that there is personalized nuget url with license key. Is it still the case? where can i find it?

Last question, Do I get updates if I use nuget or I should handle manually? if no, i would use offline dlls installed on my pc.



6 Replies

KP Kanimozhi Pandian Syncfusion Team November 1, 2016 10:14 AM UTC

Hi Emil,   
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.   
Q) just downloaded and installed Essential Studio and packages on my PC with lincese key. But I decided to install from nuget instead of offline dlls.   
How can I register those nuget packages using license key?    
As per our User Guide documentation, there is no need to register the Syncfusion license for development purpose while using the Syncfusion NuGet Packages from the version    
If Syncfusion NuGet Package version is prior to, you need follow the steps from the below link to register the Syncfusion license key.   
Q) this is the url I am using for xamarin:   
But when I execute this, does it mean my project nuget packages updated? what does this command line do?    
No, this command won’t mean that this would update the Syncfusion NuGet packages. As we mentioned in our user guide documentation the command is used to register the Syncfusion license key.   
Q) I saw somewhere else that there is personalized nuget url with license key. Is it still the case? where can i find it?   
We have removed design time license and made Syncfusion NuGet feed links as public. So, there is no need to register the license key on your local machine. You can use Syncfusion NuGet packages in your Visual Studio without registering Syncfusion license key.    
Note: We had provided private feed links only for licensed users till Syncfusion Version   
Q) Last question, Do I get updates if I use nuget or I should handle manually? if no, i would use offline dlls installed on my pc.   
Yes. We will get updates on NuGet packages for every release.    
Refer to the below Document to know more on updating Syncfusion NuGet packages.   
Kanimozhi K.P.   

RK Russel Krause December 18, 2018 05:31 PM UTC

We have recently upgraded from "SyncfusionASPNETMVC5.DocToPDFConverter.Base451" Version="" to "Syncfusion.DocIORenderer.Net.Core" Version=""using NuGet and are now seeing the following message at the top of each converted document:
  • Created with a trial version of Syncfusion Essential PDF
We are licensed users of the product.

How do we programmatically apply a license key so that the DocIORenderer library no longer displays the trial version message?


EM Emil December 18, 2018 07:05 PM UTC

Hi Russel Krause,

if you upgraded from one version to another, you need to create new key for that version. Otherwise you get this error message. 
Did you do that? 

KA Kannan Syncfusion Team December 19, 2018 05:26 AM UTC

Hi Russel, 

You have to generate corresponding platform license key for v16.4.0.42 and register in your application. Please refer the below knowledge base to generate the license key. 

Register the license key in your application by referring the below documentation. 

Also, you can follow the below knowledge base to register the license key in single place for all the application.  


RK Russel Krause December 20, 2018 06:02 AM UTC

Thank you.  The instructions provided by Kannan for downloading and configuring the license key have resolved the issue

PR Padmini Ramamurthy Syncfusion Team December 20, 2018 08:36 AM UTC

Hi Russel, 
Glad that the issue has been resolved and please get back to us if you need any other assistance. 
Padmini R. 

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