Is the Syncfusion data grid a drop in replacement for the Microsoft data grid. In another words, how much code needs to be changed? Is the API compatible? Support data binding? etc.
Syncfusion Team
April 9, 2004 12:13 AM UTC
No, it is not a drop replacement.
You do not have to derive column styles to customize its look like you do with a DataGrid. So, it does not use DataGrid ColumnsStyles. It has it own column descriptor class, GridBoundColumn, that lets you use properties to set BackColor or CellType (ComboBox, CheckBox, or any of the other 15 or so celltypes we ship - and you can derive your own if you need a special celltype).
April 9, 2004 12:32 PM UTC
How do you rate it''s ease of use compared to Microsoft''s data grid? I currently use the Syncfusion Tools package and although I like the menu controls, they are definitely not as easy to use as Microsoft''s menu controls.
>No, it is not a drop replacement.
>You do not have to derive column styles to customize its look like you do with a DataGrid. So, it does not use DataGrid ColumnsStyles. It has it own column descriptor class, GridBoundColumn, that lets you use properties to set BackColor or CellType (ComboBox, CheckBox, or any of the other 15 or so celltypes we ship - and you can derive your own if you need a special celltype).
Syncfusion Team
April 9, 2004 01:29 PM UTC
If all you are doing is setting a DataSource, then I think both the Windows Forms DataGrid and our GridDataBoundGrid are are about the same in regard to ease of use.
But as soon as you need to change the look or the feel of the grid, then I think the GridDataBoundGrid has more properties and more events to try to do so. And if you need to derive a class, then you have access to the source code so you can see how the base class methods do things, and this can be invaluable if you need to override something to modify behavior.
Other commenters, please post.
Syncfusion Team
April 9, 2004 03:50 PM UTC
I don''t know that a fair comparison can be made. The whole reason I use he Syncfusion grids is that the Microsoft DataGrid doesn''t let you do the things you can do with the Syncfusion version.
Steven King
April 12, 2004 03:56 PM UTC
I think the enhanced capabilities of the Syncfusion Grid package make it inherently less ''easy'' to use than Microsoft''s DataGrid, but Syncfusion''s Grid package includes a whole world of capabilities that Microsoft''s DataGrid does not have. You definitely get what you pay for ....