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Hi Team .
                                 How to validate drop down and textbox  in page load and  button click event

1 Reply

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team November 1, 2016 09:53 AM UTC

Hi Rajivgandhi,   
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.   
In order to validate dropdownlist using jQuery validation plugin, you need to set defaults for the validator. Refer to the following code snippet.   
            ignore: [], // To include hidden input in validation   
            errorClass: 'e-validation-error'// To get the error message on jquery validation   
            errorPlacement: function (error, element) {    
                             $( element ).closest( "form" )   
                .find( "label[for='" + element.attr( "id" ) + "']" ).append( error );   
            } // To place the error message on required element   
Note: To include dropdownlist in validation, you have to clear the ignore in setDefaults because by default in jQuery validation the hidden inputs are ignored from validation and our dropdownlist has the input element hidden.   
Set the rules for validation.    
       rules: {   
              field: {   
                     required: true  // Rules for textbox   
              drpdwn: {   
                     required: true  // Rules for Dropdownlist   
The Textbox and Dropdownlist will be validated on form submit. To validate on button click use form valid method.   
function onClick(){   

We have attached a Playground Sample for your reference.   

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