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Problems adding Theme

I have added the "Lime" theme by following the instructions in the documentation, however when i do this you can see the "original window" chrome around it, and it doesn't act normally. 
if instead i do syncfusion:SkinStorage.VisualStyles="Office2013" then it goes to the full white and blue theme, but then i cannot apply a color scheme. I must be missing something. here is the XAML and a screenshot. I also have in code to apply globally to interface.

<syncfusion:RibbonWindow x:Class="F9WB4.MainWindow"
        xmlns:syncfusionskin ="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.SfSkinManager;assembly=Syncfusion.SfSkinManager.WPF"
        Title="F9WB: Frontier Weight and Balance V4" Height="600" Width="800">
            <RowDefinition Height="105"/>
        <syncfusion:Ribbon x:Name="_ribbon" VerticalAlignment="Top">
            <syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Fleet"  IsChecked="True">
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Name="NewFleet" Width="90"  Header="New">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" LargeIcon="Resources/Icons/New.ico" Label="New Aircraft"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="New Type"/>
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Name="Manage" Width="160"  Header="Manage">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" SizeForm="Large" Label="Manage Aircraft" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" SizeForm="Large" Label="Manage Types"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" SizeForm="Large" Label="Manage Op Configs"/>
            <syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Weighs"  IsChecked="False">
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Name="Weighs" Width="90" Header="Weighs">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="New Weigh"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="Edit Weigh"/>
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Width="120" Header="Modifications">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="Add Modification"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="Edit Weigh"/>
            <syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Reports"  IsChecked="False">
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Width="100" Header="Aircraft">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="Weigh Report"></syncfusion:RibbonButton>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large">
                        <syncfusion:RibbonButton.Label>W &amp; B Summary</syncfusion:RibbonButton.Label>
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Width="60" Header="Fleet">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonButton SizeForm="Large" Label="Fleet Report"></syncfusion:RibbonButton>

                    <syncfusion:BackStageCommandButton Header="Logout" />
                    <syncfusion:BackStageCommandButton Header="Exit" />

        <syncfusion:DockingManager x:Name="SyncDockingManager" UseDocumentContainer="True" Grid.Row="1" DockToFill="True" ContainerMode="TDI" SwitchMode="VistaFlip" Margin="0,0,0,30" Loaded="Dockingmanager_Loaded" >

            <ContentControl x:Name="MainPageWindow" syncfusion:DockingManager.Header="Main Page" syncfusion:DockingManager.State="Document" syncfusion:DockingManager.CanClose="False" syncfusion:DockingManager.ShowFloatingMenuItem="False" syncfusion:DockingManager.ShowDockableMenuItem="False">
                <Frame Name="MainPageWindowFrame"></Frame>

        <StatusBar Height="30" Margin="0" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"/>

3 Replies

MS Mariappan S Syncfusion Team October 31, 2016 05:15 AM UTC

Hi Dwayne, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

Query:you can see the "original window" chrome around it” 

To avoid this issue we suggest you to set RibbonWindow “IsGlassActive” property to “False” and this property is used to show the OS window. We have prepared sample based on your code with “IsGlassActive” property to “False” . 

Please download the sample from the below link 

Sample link: RibbonSample
Mariappan S. 

DE Dwayne Etchison October 31, 2016 08:31 PM UTC

Thanks works great

MS Mariappan S Syncfusion Team November 1, 2016 05:22 AM UTC

Hi Dwayne, 

Thanks for your update  

Please let us know if you need further assistance  

Mariappan S 

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