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I have two mature Problems with the table/Docx

 I have two mature Problems with the table/Docx:

  1. I want "ChangeMe" to be without space(padding /margin ?!) on top or buttom like all the other cells.
   -> I tried something like this in a loop "for(...;...;...)table[y - 2, counter].CellFormat.Paddings.All = 0;"

  2. Converting the WORD to PDF will result in, that the table is oversized.
  -> This could be the reason "table[y, 1].Width = 1000;", because I want this column to be the biggest and the rest should take the rest of the entire space, but obviosly when converting the word to pdf this does not work anymore.
  -> I also have "IsAutoResized" enabled

  Please provide me a solid solution.

Attachment: Sample_f1894dd0.7z

1 Reply

SY Sethumanikkam Yogendran Syncfusion Team October 27, 2016 12:40 PM UTC

Hi Customer,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

On further analyzing with provided Word document, we have found mentioned “ChangeMe” already has set to zero for top/bottom margin and spacing occurred due to After Spacing set to that paragraph.

We have prepared a following sample to meet your requirement, in this sample we have done the following things.

1. Loaded provided Word document using DocIO.
2. Gets Table from document and Iterated each cell from row by row in that table.
3. For second column set width higher than other columns and After spacing set as zero.
4. Converted Word document into PDF using DocIO.

Please find the below sample which illustrates the same, and let us know if it helps you.

And also we have attached resultant PDF for your reference. Please find it from below.

If we misunderstand your requirement then, kindly provide us your sample or modified given sample along with Input document used (if any) and screenshot/output of the expected result which will helpful to provide you the appropriate solution.


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