Hi Customer,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
You should iterate the particular paragraph in which you want to set Bold formatting to the Text.
Please refer the following code snippets in which we have get the paragraph and iterated each text from entity collection and applied Bold formatting to that.
WParagraph paragraph = table[y, x].Paragraphs[0] as WParagraph;
for (int i = 0; i < paragraph.ChildEntities.Count; i++)
Entity entity = paragraph.ChildEntities[i];
//A paragraph can have child elements such as text, image, hyperlink, symbols, etc.,
if (entity.EntityType == EntityType.TextRange)
//Set Bold to text.
(entity as WTextRange).CharacterFormat.Bold = true;
Note: We have used given code snippet to get paragraph which is highlighted above.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.