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SfAutoComplete doesn't show any dropdown


I have a problem with Sfautocomplete in WinRT (Windows 8.1). It doesn't show any dropdown or autocomplete. I provide a datasource and it works in Android and iOS, I don't understand why in Win8 doesn't work.
Is there any else to setup in WinRT?
I also noted that there is no special package for WinRT in Nuget. In Android and iOS installed the respective versions, but for Windows 8 I don't find any. Is this something related to this problem?

3 Replies

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team October 25, 2016 12:32 PM UTC

Hi Ian,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query 1: AutoComplete did not rendering on WinRT.

For rendering problem please ensure that you have added “new SfAutoCompleteRenderer()” in MainPage.Xaml.cs file. And we have created a simple sample as per your scenario please download the same from the following link.

Link:  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/127077/ze/AutoCompleteWinRT1646954956 

Query 2: Special package for Xamarin.Forms WinRT alone.

Currently there is no special nuget packages available for Xamarin.WinRT alone. You can select Forms and WinRT packages alone while installing by this you can omit others.


IN Ian Nájar October 25, 2016 05:14 PM UTC

Hi again,

Mmmm... After comparing your code with mine, I can see some differences. 
For example you are populating this control with an List<string> using the AutoCompleteSource property:

countryAutoComplete.AutoCompleteSource = countryName;

In my case i'm using DataSource property, which is a List<object> and also using DisplayMemberPath property to display text values of those objects. 
In Android and iOS is displaying a dropdown with no problem. Also tried with XAML with same results. Perhaps it is a bug for the WinRT version?

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team October 26, 2016 12:30 PM UTC

Hi Ian,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We have created a support incident “AutoComplete’s DropDown did not shown in WinRT” under your account. Please follow the incident for more updates.

Pavendhan K.  

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