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Localization doesn't work using a VB.Net

I'm working with the WPF control SFRichTexboxAdv and i have discovered that localization process doesn't work using a VB.Net Wpf Application Project. I tried doing same steps i did with VB.net inside a C# project and it works perfectly. Can you explain me if it is a bug or i'm missing something. I'm attaching 2 projects: one written with vb.net (that doesn't work) and on written in C#( that works perfectly).

Best regards.

Attachment: Test_Localization_WPF_c77996fc.rar

1 Reply

VM Venkatesan Mani Syncfusion Team October 24, 2016 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Francesco,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We could see that you have created a separate incident for this query, please follow up with the incident for further updates.

Venkatesan M.

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