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Subscribe request in the forum - please give option to get text of the post, not just link

Hi, great product and thanks for letting us use it.

Some suggestions to help improve the developer experience, when the user subscribes in the forum, we get an alert with link but no text of the discussion.

  • Can you please give an option (e.g. maybe two check boxes Subscribe with link Alert, Subscribe with text), so that forum user can also get the text of the posting. Sometimes, I want to refer back to the issue and I can look at my email, so I do not have to create another support request, which is better for you, if we can solve them ourselves.
  • In the SF dashboard, set target and migrate projects does not show all target frameworks. Migrate projects is also missing some settings during migration.
  • For all SF controls, it would be nice to have stateChanged/dataChanged event. For e.g. in many cases the user may change some data accidentally/regulary, and we would like to notify him visually of a change in data. Is this possible This event could be wired to the datamanger POST option - in the controller set up, similar to action complete


5 Replies

VY Vijayakumar Yoganandan Syncfusion Team October 17, 2016 12:49 PM UTC

Hi Megatron,   
Thanks for your feedbacks.   
Query 1:   
Can you please give an option (e.g. maybe two check boxes Subscribe with link Alert, Subscribe with text), so that forum user can also get the text of the posting. Sometimes, I want to refer back to the issue and I can look at my email, so I do not have to create another support request, which is better for you, if we can solve them ourselves.   
We will consider your suggestions for the forum subscription with the forum text along with the subscription link and roll out this feature in our next website release.   
Query 2:   
In the SF dashboard, set target and migrate projects does not show all target frameworks. Migrate projects is also missing some settings during migration.   
We are providing the assemblies with Visual Studio Native Framework (2.0 , 3.5 , 4.0 , 4.5 , 4.5.1 , 4.6). Also, we are displaying the Framework based on the .NET framework installed in your machine. 
Do you want to show all the Framework list even if the corresponding Framework was not installed in your machine?  
Project Migration utility migrates files such as csproj, vbproj, vcxproj, aspx, ascx and config files and replaces the assembly version and Framework version in the project files.  
Project Migration: 
If you are using Windows Forms, WPF, and Silverlight project, please follow the steps suggested in the below documentation link to migrate your project references to latest version. 
If you are using ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC (Web) or ASP.NET MVC (Classic) project, please follow the steps suggested in the following documentation link to migrate your projects. 
If you face any issues in migrating the projects, please share us the error details and screen shot of the issue you faced. It would be much helpful for us to analyze the reported issue.

Query 3:   
For all SF controls, it would be nice to have stateChanged/dataChanged event. For e.g. in many cases the user may change some data accidentally/regulary, and we would like to notify him visually of a change in data. Is this possible This event could be wired to the datamanger POST option - in the controller set up, similar to action complete,   
We have provided the necessary SelectionChanged/ DataChanged events in our controls, so please let us know on which of our controls and platforms you need this support? It will help us to serve you better.   
Vijayakumar Y.  

ME Megatron October 18, 2016 12:19 AM UTC

Thanks for the response.

WRT: datachanged, in the ASP MVC control setup/configuration, it would be nice to show highlight or change border color to red when user change data.
for e...

{ isDisplayDatachanged.Border = true,
or.. isDisplayDatachanged.Backgroundcells = true, }


KS Kalai Selvi Rajendran Syncfusion Team October 19, 2016 10:06 AM UTC

Hi Megatron,  
We have analyzed your query and we can highlight the rows in the Grid, when updated/added the data to the Grid using actionComplete event in grid.  
Please refer the below code example.  
        .Datasource(ds => ds.Json((IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.dataSource).UpdateURL("NormalUpdate").InsertURL("NormalInsert").RemoveURL("NormalDelete").Adaptor(AdaptorType.RemoteSaveAdaptor))  
        .Columns(col =>  
         .ClientSideEvents(eve => { eve.ActionComplete("onComplete"); })  
     function onComplete(args) {  
         switch (args.requestType) {  
            case "delete":  
                alert("The customer id:" + args.data.CustomerID + "record is removed");  
            case "save":  
                if (args.previousData.CustomerID == "") {  
                    alert("new data is added" + args.data);  
                    $(".e-grid tr").removeClass("new");  
                else {  
                    $(".e-grid tr").removeClass("new");  
    .e-grid tr.new{  
        background-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0%,#ff6a00),color-stop(100%,#e9e9e9));  
        backgroundlinear-gradient(to bottom,#ff6a00,#e9e9e9);  
In the above code example, we have highlighted the row in grid when updating or adding the data by adding the new class to the selectedRow elements. In the added new class, we have applied new color with gradient to show the highlighted row in grid.  
We have also prepared a sample that can be downloaded from the below link.  
Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/126947/ze/GridData1475680452 
Please let us know if you need further assistance.  
Kalai Selvi 

ME Megatron October 19, 2016 06:53 PM UTC

Thanks for the sample and link.

My query was - does this onComplete/onChange event apply commonly to all SF data controls on the ASP MVC front end. I was seeking something that was common across your controls - for e.g. the control Div Border or its parent border.


KC Kasithangam C Syncfusion Team October 20, 2016 06:17 AM UTC

Hi Megatron, 
Thanks for your update. 
No, we don’t have a common event name “ActionComplete(onComplete/onChange)” for all SF data controls. Each control is having a different event name to achieve the functionality as like “ActionComplete (onComplete/onChange)” event. We have a documentation link which showcased the events of all components. Please find the below API link, 
You can make use of this above API documentation link and achieve your requirement based on your desired control. 

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