While trying bootstrap 4, the rendering is not right in the ASP MVC Tree/Grid, Kanban, Schedule, diagram and Chart. Has this been tested with BS 4, and the new Jquery V2 and V3. I want to know the compatibilty, it does list it in the help section
How can I get it to work with Bootstrap, what files do I need to replace and include? In the Main _layout and the partial views. |
Currently we have not provided support for our controls in Bootstrap 4.0. We have provided support for JQuery 2.0 since volume 3 2015 and JQuery 3.0 since volume 3 2016. |
The TextEditor also has a bug - indenting to the right, move to the left and vice versa. It’s hard to format using the text editor. |
We are unable to reproduce the mentioned issue in Text Editor. Please provide us with an issue reproducing sample or get back to us with proper details of the issue, so that we will update you with a better solution. |
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/ejscripts").Include(
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/ejstyles").Include(
"~/Content/ej/web/Bootstrap-theme/ej.web.all.min.css")); |
@Scripts.Render("~/bundles/ejscripts") |
@Html.EJ().ScriptManager(); |